Un film réalisé par admin - Actualité

THE DEVIL, the new short-movie by Jean-Gabriel Périot has been selected in the documentary festival of LUSSAS. Competing in the category “experience of the look” (“Expérience du regard”), it will be on Monday the 20th August. Jean-Gabriel will attend the projection and will also present two of his precedent movies, one of which will be Looking at the dead. Additional information can be found here.

THE DEVIL, the new short-movie by Jean-Gabriel Périot has been selected in the documentary festival of LUSSAS. Competing in the category “experience of the look” (“Expérience du regard”), it will be on Monday the 20th August. Jean-Gabriel will attend the projection and will also present two of his precedent movies, one of which will be Looking at the dead.
Additional information can be found here.